Friday, March 26, 2010

Animal Farm Friday Extra Shot - Good Doggy!

(tip to Ryan for sending that on)

Animal Farm Friday - Nature by the Numbers

As found via Noni Films via Facebook:

Truly dazzling!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Al Franken pwns KBR

From Daily Kos:

In one of Senator Franken's first pieces of legislation, he introduced an amendment that would have cut off federal contracts to any business that sought to enforce binding arbitration clauses against employees pressing Title VII civil rights claims.  Put simply, he wanted Jamie Leigh Jones and others in her position to get their day in court.  KBR's appeal asked the Supreme Court to rule that the Franken Amendment didn't apply to this case, but they got cold feet when the Amendment was enforced in two other actions by the Pentagon.

Jamie Leigh Jones is going to court thanks to Senator Franken.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

WikiLeaks on Al Jazeera

WikiLeaks has probably produced more scoops in its short life than the Washington Post has in the past 30 years
—  The National, November 19, 2009

(Jump to 15:00, or click this link)

Presently, WikiLeaks is under aggressive US/Icelandic surveillance.