Okay, so not really animals, but the band is Super Furry Animals, and the song is It's Not the End of the World. I'm indifferent to the song, but the video is really cool, and seems perfectly relevant in light of Gaza, and Dick and Bush's much anticipated and long awaited departure.
Here's a bonus Super Furry Animals video which is actually just as appropriate, Presidential Suite (reminds me of W flying over NOLA in AF1 after Katrina. Georgie's safe and content inside his cocoon, all happy, carefree and indifferent to the waste and destruction he's left behind.):
Here's a bonus Super Furry Animals video which is actually just as appropriate, Presidential Suite (reminds me of W flying over NOLA in AF1 after Katrina. Georgie's safe and content inside his cocoon, all happy, carefree and indifferent to the waste and destruction he's left behind.):
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