(For SF Bay Area voters)
If you are against the Iraq War, if you abhor torture, if you think Bush should have been impeached a long time ago, if you think the Democrats (especially Nancy Pelosi) have been spineless and have squandered their 2006 victories, please vote for Shirley Golub on June 3rd.
Shirley is running against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA, CD08). She has no chance in hell of winning against such a strong incumbent, but this is not about winning. This is about sending a message to Nancy Pelosi that it is time that she remembers where she is from. It is time Pelosi realigns herself with her constituents. It is time to hold Pelosi - and other Democrats by extension - accountable to progressive ideals.
If you haven't heard of Shirley, check out her website, www.shirley08.com. She is credible. She's been politically active since 2000, she's local, and she volunteers at the SPCA, so you know her heart is in the right place.
She's an Olbermann fan, has a bone with Comcast, and also has a good sense of humor:
When you vote on Tuesday, please cast a powerfully symbolic vote for Shirley.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Shirley Golub for CD-08
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