The Supreme Court gives Bush a stunning SNAP! No, this is actually a bitch slap! Honestly, I am gob-smacked. I didn't think the court had it in them to actually stand up for our constitution. I must say, for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of this Supreme Court. This is huge!
The justices, voting 5-4, said a 2006 law unconstitutionally stripped Guantanamo prisoners of the right to file so-called habeas corpus petitions. The majority, pointing to the six years that some detainees have spent in captivity, said a system of limited judicial review set up by Congress didn't adequately protect inmate rights.
"The costs of delay can no longer be borne by those who are held in custody,'' Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority. "The detainees in these cases are entitled to a prompt habeas corpus hearing.''
All said, I kind of fantasized that a future President would have declared Bush and Cheney enemy combatants and shipped them off-shore somewhere never to be heard from again. But I'll take a proactive stance on human rights even for our enemies over indulging fantasies of poetic justice wrought on the Bushies any day.