This has to be Hillary's line of thought. But given how far in debt her campaign is, she may have to loan herself another few million to make a dent in Indiana, because she's certainly not raising much cash elsewhere.
March monthly reports filed Sunday night with the Federal Election Commission show Clinton with a $10.3 million debt load and only $9.3 million cash-on-hand for with 10 contests to go.
Obama reported having $42 million for the primary and minimal debt.
About half of Clinton's debt -- $4.6 million -- is owed to Penn's polling firm. The campaign has already shelled out $14 million to Penn, Schoen & Berland.
If she can't run a decent campaign, how can she run the country?
Obama reported having $42 million for the primary and minimal debt.
About half of Clinton's debt -- $4.6 million -- is owed to Penn's polling firm. The campaign has already shelled out $14 million to Penn, Schoen & Berland.
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