It was a bit hard, and I really had to force myself to do it, not because I needed more evidence to reinforce what I already know to be true, but because I owed it to all those who have died or have been injured in Bush's pointless war in Iraq to see the films and documentaries made about it. So I made myself go to see Body of War, a documentary about Tomas Young, 25 years old, paralyzed from a bullet to his spine - wounded after serving in Iraq for less than a week.
Needless to say, it was very moving, and it made me very angry. Not that I needed to be any more angry, and I certainly don't want to be this angry. What fuels my anger even more, though, is that most Americans will not see this movie, nor will they see any other documentary about this horrible and stupid war that the country was duped into believing was necessary. And, as time goes on, they will continue to care less and less about the war, just as they are doing now, as Americans turn their attention to the economy, even though the war is one of the biggest factors on our tanking economy.
As the body count piles up, Americans tune out. Iraq is not Vietnam, Iraq is worse than Vietnam. It may not be worse in terms of actual deaths, but it is worse in terms of apathy by Americans towards our dying soldiers. It is worse in terms of sympathy for the Iraqis who are suffering. It is worse in terms of the media's abdication of their responsibility to report the truth. It is worse in terms of the damage it is doing to this country.
Every American who is not serving or has not served in this current war in Iraq owes it to every soldier who has fallen - dead or injured - on Iraqi soil, to see this film, and every other film made about this war. To turn a blind eye or deaf ear to the war would be disgraceful, and would dishonor the service of our troops.
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